
de Inovation

Instant and personalized report, prepared by AEVO experts, to evaluate innovation management in your company. Do it 100% online and free!



The Innovation Diagnosis is a document created by AEVO specialists, which is based on the study of ISO 56.002, also known as the Innovation ISO.

The main objective of the document is to serve as a guide or reference so that the Organization can implement initiatives that help it improve its innovation management process and obtain more results from them.

Why do it



Gain insights into the recognition and legitimacy of innovation in your company. 



Generate insights around clarity about the relationship between innovation and your corporate strategy.



Discover the challenges and ways to improve innovation processes in the organization. 



Evaluate senior leadership engagement and the promotion of a culture of innovation.

Presentation of the Innovation Diagnosis Benchmark tool

In addition to the analyzes and practical tips that the document offers, The report also includes a market benchmark* that compares your results with the market average!

When you receive the document, you will have in your hands an analysis of your performance, overall and by dimensions, in comparison with: general average, average for your segment and average for companies in the same range of employees as yours.

*The benchmark was constructed based on the responses already recorded in the questionnaire, launched in March/24. No individual data is disclosed and is treated as confidential by AEVO.

With the material in hand, you can present the results to more people in your organization and have directions to promote practical changes based on a report with lots of insights!

Carry out your company's Innovation Diagnosis right now and receive a complete and personalized report in just a few minutes!

Frequently Asked Questions

The Innovation Diagnosis is a document created by AEVO specialists, with extensive knowledge and experience in innovation, based on an understanding of the best practices around the topic and through the study of ISO 56.002.

The Innovation Diagnosis questionnaire consists of 16 questions in total, which cover the main drivers for building a full, efficient and results-focused Innovation Management system.

Based on your responses, a complete report is generated, sent within five minutes to the indicated email. And, if you've always wondered how your innovation management processes compare to the market, Innovation Diagnosis gives you that answer!

Simply respond to access the report with all the data your company needs to take innovation to the next level.

Innovation Diagnosis is recommended for companies of all sizes and market sectors, who wish to understand the degree of maturity of the innovation processes conducted in the organization.

Whether for companies at an early or advanced stage with innovation management, the Diagnosis will provide analysis and insights so that the company can continue to improve and generate value for the improvement or transformation of its processes, products or services.

Furthermore, the exclusive benchmark available in this report allows you to understand how your results are compared to market averages: overall, by segment and the same range of employees as yours.

The report generated by the Innovation Diagnosis can be used as a guide, or reference, so that your organization can implement new initiatives or improve existing ones. 

Based on your results, recommendations are generated on what can be done and also practical tips on how to put these actions into motion!  

The benchmark was constructed based on the responses already recorded in the questionnaire, launched in March/24. All responses are analyzed by AEVO experts, so that responses made without commitment, with non-existent data or that present untrue patterns, are not included in the averages.

This ensures the veracity of the information and you can have access to a real view of how the market is positioned in comparison to your company. It is important to highlight that no individual data is disclosed and is treated as confidential by AEVO.

Every month, AEVO will process the responses obtained so far, so that the tool is always updated based on the most recent market data!

Therefore, we recommend that, in addition to implementing the recommendations and practical tips, you regularly carry out the Diagnosis to be clear about how your performance is compared to the market.

ISO 56.002, also known as “ISO of Innovation”, is based on 8 basic principles: realizing value, leaders focused on the future, strategic direction, culture, exploration of insights, uncertainty management, adaptability and systemic approach. 

All of these principles are addressed throughout the Innovation Diagnosis questionnaire and are divided between the four evaluation dimensions: Results and Value Realization; Strategic Direction and Uncertainty Management; Processes and Resources; People and Culture.  

To learn more about ISO 56.002, simply access the article available on the AEVO Blog.  

Yes, the Innovation Diagnosis is a document that will always be available at no cost to you.  

If you want to carry out a more complete and in-depth Innovation Diagnosis in your company, AEVO Consulting is ready to meet your demand! Talk to one of our experts to find out how we can further support you in the evolution of your company's innovation management system.  

Yes, no individual data will be disclosed by AEVO or made available to third parties for any use. All responses recorded in the Innovation Diagnosis questionnaire are treated as confidential.  

We reserve the right only to use the data in a consolidated manner, without disclosing any identification of the respondents or companies.