
of AI

Create, evaluate, prioritize and validate ideas in minutes with our free AI tools

AI Tools for Innovators

Create, evaluate, prioritize and validate ideas in minutes with our free AI tools

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Discover the tools

Future Scenarios

Explore the future of your industry with AI-personalized scenarios.

Idea Generator

Let AI generate your next big idea.

Technical advice

Let AI provide detailed and accurate technical opinions on the best ideas.

Validation of Ideas

Let AI validate multiple ideas and bring the viability of implementing each one of them

Project Prioritization

Enter your projects and let the AI ​​prioritize the best ones for you based on your specific criteria.

Who we are

We are AEVO, a complete solution for managing your innovation e strategy, empowered by #GenAI

AEVO is a Brazilian technology company for innovation and strategy management. We are a complete solution, offering our clients products and services that aim to support the development of their innovation, execution and strategy initiatives.


What are free AI tools?

Free AI tools are technological solutions made available at no cost by companies, with the aim of democratizing the use of Artificial Intelligence in society and the workplace.


Generally, they are designed to facilitate the activities of people and professionals in different contexts, providing an increase in productivity in routine and stimulating criativity and innovation; Furthermore, they can contribute to more assertive decision-making and facilitate data analysis.


These tools are developed with advanced algorithms, capable of responding effectively to the commands and context received, following the use of machine learning technology.

There are currently several free AI tool options on the market, which offer users countless customization possibilities and serve different purposes.


Among the main free AI tools, we can mention ChatGPT, Gemini, AEVO Toolbox, PI.AI, Loom, MidJourney, among many others.


These products apply to different contexts, such as the use of AI in the conversational model (which efficiently reproduces a conversation between humans), as search engines (offering answers to questions received), also applied to marketing, design, innovation, among others.


Most of the most popular AI tools on the market use generative technology, as is the case with AEVO's free AI tools.

The popularization of Artificial Intelligence in recent years, especially in the context of Generative Artificial Intelligence, has caused the possible benefits of using this technology to gradually increase.


Let's cite corporate innovation as an example: with the use of Generative Artificial Intelligence for innovation management, you can have the support of a virtual assistant, trained from an extensive volume of data, which brings a vast amount of knowledge to help you evaluate ideas, understand future scenarios, make decisions, among other advantages.


By using AEVO's free AI tools, your company can make guided decisions about territories to be explored by the innovation, what type of idea to prioritize on an execution mat and why that decision was made.

AEVO's Toolbox offers advanced resources for innovative professionals, which range from generating ideas to analyzing the potential return on innovation.


By filling in the available fields in the tools Creation of the Future, Validation of Ideas, Technical Opinion and Idea Engine, Artificial Intelligence returns with complete and high-value information to drive innovation in the context brought by you.


Each of the tools available has its own characteristics and benefits, making them suitable for different needs and applications.

At AEVO, we believe that innovation professionals empowered by AI will come out ahead in an increasingly competitive market, with a clear advantage to be explored.


This technology will not replace the importance of people in a innovation process, but, without a doubt, it will bring an even greater range of possibilities to professionals and employees of an organization, expanding their possibilities to contribute to innovation.


AEVO's free AI tools can help you make decisions, prioritize ideas and even generate them, driving innovation in your company using technology that is gaining more and more space in the market.

The Generative AI solutions offered by AEVO, through our Innovation Consulting, allow your company to take the next step towards using this technology in its process innovation management.


We offer services that allow the customization of algorithms so that they are aligned with your specific needs, in addition to the possibility of using Artificial Intelligence to carry out complex services.


Our team of consultants has extensive expertise in the use of Generative AI for services such as: modeling of territories and innovation theses for your company, evaluation/diagnosis of innovation strategy through synthetic users, simulated validation of POC's, complex market simulations , among many others.


Learn more about the Generative AI solutions offered by AEVO by accessing Our page.

No individual registration data will be disclosed by AEVO or made available to third parties for any use. Your information will be safe with us. For more details on how your personal data is treated, simply access our Privacy Policy page.

The information entered as input to the tools is shared with the Generative Artificial Intelligence technology used by AEVO, which is managed by a third party service, solely with the intention that insights are generated.


We recommend that extremely confidential information about your company is not shared. For services using Generative AI with full guarantee of confidentiality and security, we have our own Artificial Intelligence technology, designed with the highest standards of security and reliability by our specialized team.


With these services, you have complete guarantee that no information will be shared with third parties or used for algorithm training. To find out more, speak to one of our experts.